Chaeng’s twilight review

Welcome to my Site

Thank you for visiting my site. I will be reviewing my favorite movie ‘Twilight’ .

최근 글

My fifth Blog

Hello. Today is the last review of this movie. I hope you can enjoy the movie until end. So I will start the review last episode, Breaking dawn part2. The content of part 2 connects with part 1. Bella wakes up as a vampire and learns to hunt and control herself to Edward. After returning…

My fourth blog

Hello! I will review the Twilight fourth episode ‘breaking dawn’ part1 ! This episode can be boring because it’s a part of the grand finale. However, I hope you can enjoy it! Bella and Edward send wedding invitations to their precious people and tell that they are getting married. And in the cheers of many…

My third Blog

Hello My name is Chaeyoung. Did you guys read my last post well? I think you guys are still interested in this movie because for my opinion, first episode is the most interesting episode. So, I will start to review next episode. This is the second episode of this movie. The title is ‘New moon’…

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